Senior School

Pupils progress to the Senior School at the age of 12 approximately. This means a change of uniform from the red sweatshirt of the Junior Department to a more mature navy.  The Senior School is made up of Classes JSM, CW, MH, MD, EOD and the Transitions Group.



Initially the pupils follow the subjects as set down by the Northern Ireland Curriculum. While these remain important as the pupils continue through the school, the emphasis changes to allow the young people to become as independent as possible and if appropriate, to acquire the knowledge and skills required for the world of work.

Personal Development towards Independence

Pupils aged 14 and over avail of PDI (Personal Development towards Independence) which encourages those skills which might be of benefit to our pupils later in life.  The programmes is based on four areas: Production line skills, office skills, home management skills and retail skills.

Other Opportunities

If appropriate, pupils may also audition for the school choir and once over the age of 14 may be given the opportunity to take part in the Duke of Edinburgh scheme.  Pupils are encouraged to take part in a variety of sporting events and extra curricular activities organised both by school and the wider community e.g. Special Olympics, Inter-Schools Competitions, Employability Workshops.

Transitions Group

Our Transitions Group provides a programme for pupils in the 16-19 year age group.  The emphasis of the Tranistions Group is to prepare students for life after school.

The Transitions programme is a very practical one and we aim to develop skills in all essential areas such as leading a healthy lifestyle, sport and fitness, using local facilities, travel training and cookery in addition to developing interests in arts and crafts and horticulture.  Pupils are also encouraged to take part in work experience activities both within and outside school.


The curriculum offered in the Transitions Group focuses on the further development of these skills with many outside agencies contributing to this.  The OCN, OCR and CEA accreditation schemes at Entry Level are available to all pupils and is delivered by the school and through links with the Northern Regional College as well as by school staff.  Each pupil is designed a Personal Learning Programme which blends the most appropriate accreditation level for their needs and ability.



MR GRAHAM HAWTHORNE (028 28272802)