

Roddensvale School is situated in the town of Larne.  We as a school realise the importance of the school & the community working together to provide for our children and young people.  It is our desire to ensure that our children are equipped to live as part of the local community, participating in local culture and using local amenities.  Some of the opportunities we encourage are listed below.

We encourage:

  • Vocational training though Northern Regional College.
  • Supported work experience in local businesses.
  • Links with other professional agencies and interested bodies.
  • Cross community activities with the primary and post primary schools in the Larne area.
  • Participation in Arts/Culture competitions.
  • Participation in various sporting activities.
  • Active learning through residentials and Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme.
  • Enhancement of learning and teaching through visits from significant people within the wider community.
  • Work with preschool pupils and their parents plus after school parent and pupil activities.

Parent/Guardian links through:

  • Induction of new pupils
  • Communication diaries (home/school)
  • Annual Prize Days
  • Annual Review Meetings
  • Transition Plan Meetings
  • Multidisciplinary Information Meetings
  • Seasonal Celebrations – concerts etc.
  • Parents and Friends Association
  • Evening Activities
  • Extended Schools

Partnerships recognised through:

  • Open Door Policy
  • Daily diary
  • Annual report
  • Newsletters
  • Fundraising events e.g. fetes, craft fairs etc.

Family Worker

Natalene Wood is employed as a Family Worker 2 days per week.  She organises training sessions, coffee mornings, advice and support clinics, fun sessions and is available for home visits and 1-1 sessions in school.  Her role is to signpost parents to support, grants and help with forms, or simply to be a listening ear for parents/carers.